syslog - The Go Programming Language

Use the syslog input to read events over TCP, UDP, or a Unix stream socket, this input will parse BSD (rfc3164) event and some variant. Example configurations: filebeat.inputs: - type: syslog protocol.udp: host: "localhost:9000" syslog-ng - Log Management Solutions Dec 05, 2018 Configure UDP input options - SolarWinds

Features Syslog collection: Tftpd32 (and 64) is capable of collecting logs on the configured socket, and displaying them to the user. Syslog Forwarding: The software is also capable of forwarding messages on a named pipe for external review and processing. Save to File: Collected syslog …

GitHub - paulgrove/node-syslog-client: TCP and UDP syslog The optional target parameter defaults to optional options parameter is an object, and can contain the following items: port - TCP or UDP port to send messages to, defaults to 514; syslogHostname - Value to place into the HOSTNAME part of the HEADER part of each message sent, defaults to os.hostname(); tcpTimeout - Number of milliseconds to wait for a connection attempt to … syslog(3) - Linux manual page syslog() and vsyslog() syslog() generates a log message, which will be distributed by syslogd(8). The priority argument is formed by ORing together a facility value and a level value (described below).

Syslog - Wikipedia

Chapter 27. Sockets and Syslog The traditional Unix syslog service allows programs to send log messages over a network to a central server that records them. Some programs are quite performance-sensitive, and may generate a large volume of messages. Establish a socket for communication sock <- socket (addrFamily serveraddr) Stream defaultProtocol -- Mark the socket for imuxsock: Unix Socket Input — rsyslog 8.12.0 documentation Provides the ability to accept syslog messages via local Unix sockets. Most importantly, this is the mechanism by which the syslog(3) call delivers syslog messages to rsyslogd. So you need to have this module loaded to read the system log socket and be able to process log messages from applications running on the local system. Syslog logging driver | Docker Documentation